The Hardman Trust is a registerd charity that awards grants to long-term prisoners who are nearing release from prison and can make a significant difference in their lives. Prisoners are assessed and recommended for an award that are presented at award ceremonies across the UK.
Because the Hardman Trust identity had not changed since the 70’s, Clarity was charged to bring energy and life into the brand.

realising the potential of people.
The Challenge
The Solution
From the off, we realised that The Hardman Trust is a people-oriented organisation. We met a caring, determined and focused team, who are totally committed to what they are doing armed with prisoners’ heart-rending stories whose lives are being changed.
Clarity attended award ceremonies and met the people who matter. We convened a workshop with trustees, beneficiaries, and awards assessors to understand the real issues that were being faced.
It was apparent that The Hardman Trust leadership team knew exactly what it was about. It knew its brand, it just hadn’t articulated it… that was our job.
We created a new identity and strapline together with renewed values that were explicit. We wrote and designed a Case for Support to underpin fundraising, and we helped the Trust work through exactly how to approach questions that grant making trusts will ask.
We encouraged them to think big: aim high with their fundraising, ask grant-making trusts for more, aim to help more people, and to help them with larger grants.

“Clarity is directly involved with
The Hardman Trust and support
their efforts and activities.
This goes beyond just a branding project,
it’s a comittment we have made that affects
society as a whole.”